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Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority, Inc.
at the University of New Mexico
National History
Founded April 11th, 1997 at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
The Founding Monarchs
Savior-Faire, Spring 1997
(from left): Janelle Kalia Poe, Katherine Ellen Stanley, Brenda Imade-Eribo, Melissa Murchison-Blake, Ginny Long, Natalie Nacole Barker, & Geeta Nadia Kapur

Founded by seven women at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Theta Nu Xi is the first multicultural sorority in the Southeastern United States that aims to bridge the cultural gap both in the Greek community, and beyond.
The Founding Monarchs envisioned an enduring sisterhood made possible by our differences. One of them, (Melissa Jo Murchison-Blake), was in search of sisterhood in the Spring of 1996, and wished to become part of a family that openly embraced all, while crossing cultural boundaries. As a biracial woman, she didn't want to choose between either a historically white or Black sorority, as she felt doing so would deny half of her heritage. As such, she recruited six other women to join hands in her quest to establish Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority.
When they approached the Director of Greek Affairs at UNC-CH, our Founding Monarchs were discouraged from fulfilling their vision, and were advised to join an organization already in existence. He expressed concern that a new Greek organization based on the principle of multiculturalism would not be sustainable on campus. Not being ones to give up, the Founding Monarchs pressed on, believing a need existed for such a sisterhood. Their collective efforts went on to establish Theta Nu Xi’s presence in Greek, non-Greek, and surrounding communities.
After much work and dedication, the Founding Monarchs built the foundation of Theta Nu Xi, which would then go on to be built upon by future lines. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill officially recognized the Alpha Chapter of Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority on April 11, 1997. The sorority was then incorporated on April 29, 1999, and Theta Nu Xi was born. Made possible by our sisters and Founding Monarchs of the Spring of 1998, our organization surpassed all expectations in a short amount of time.
The National organization was founded at the first annual National Convention of Theta Nu Xi Multicultural Sorority, Inc. on August 21, 1999, with the participation of the Alpha Chapter and Beta and Gamma Kaleidoscopes. We're now more than sixty chapters strong, in only twenty or so years of existence.
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